Re: [Usability] Mac-style menubar in GNOME

On 9/16/06, Joachim Noreiko <jnoreiko yahoo com> wrote:
One thing I might add to mpt's notes is:
* integration with the current panel menubar
How will it look? How do we on the one hand link the
two menus together seamlessly to avoid GUI ugliness,
yet make it visually clear which part is constant and
which part changes?
It might be worth thinking about reducing the
three-menu menubar, perhaps returning to the single
icon foot menu as a default. (For example, anytime
you're using Nautilus, you'd have two Places menus,
which currently have different contents.)

Or two modes for the menu bar, one which looks like the current one
(and keeps application menus in their own windows) and one which
swallows the application menus and collapses the desktop menu into a
single foot menu. But the real challenge clearly is to implement the
menu swallowing in a portable way. Once that's available, we can still
think about presentation details...


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