Re: [Usability] moving or copying when drag'n'dropping

On 2/27/07, Thorsten Wilms <t_w_ freenet de> wrote:
> I just drug files from an archive in whatever program Gnome uses onto
> a network place. The dialog said "moving files..." which worried me.
> Fortunately, it only copied them.

If it says moving but copies, that's a specific bug to be reported.

ok, done at

> Things could be better if there is:
> a: standardization on what happens when you drag'n'drop
> b: communication or indication of what is going to happen when you
> drop (i.e. Windows shows an emblem indicating if the operation will
> copy, move or create a shortcut)
> c: a standard and intuitive way to affect the default drag'n'drop action.

Hmm. There are different mouse cursor for moving and copying.
Nautilus uses them, perhaps some apps don't, what I would consider
a bug?

Wow, that is subtle. Filing that as a bug against Ubuntu, since that's
the distro I use and this is arguably a problem with the distro
related artwork.

(yes, I know my mock-ups are rough ;-)

Thanks all for the keyboard/mouse suggestions. They're not exactly
intuitive, but at least now I know about the middle-drag feature.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode

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