Re: [Usability] bad dialog, need advice

Is it really necessary to have an Apply /and/ a Crop button? All that tool does is crop things, so it can be easily assumed that, when pressing Apply, one wants that selection to be cropped.
That's what I was expecting, anyway...

-Dylan McCall

On 10/29/07, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak <mjc avtechpulse com> wrote:
Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> This repetition is a telltale sign that the dialog shouldn't exist.
> Doing cropping in the main window instead would result in the same
> function having much less interface.

Hmm, thanks, that's food for thought...

For the time being I'm going to try to rework the existing dialog so
that it is at least usable, as a stop-gap measure. That's just glade

Then I'll see if I'm clever enough to push the functionality into the
main window...

- Mike
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