Re: [Usability] Okay - Usability Problems

On Mon, 2007-09-17 at 11:40 -0300, André Lelis Gonçalves wrote:

> If the Gimp window is in front of the nautilus window, when i click on
> the file that i want to open and try to drag to open it, the gimp
> window losses focus, disappear and I can't drag and drop my file. 

These bugs seem to cover this one:

> Second Problem. Right button on the Open/Save Dialogs. 
> Right Button is very useful. The Open/Save dialogs should be able to
> have almost the same functionalities that the nautilus has if we open
> a "Local Folder" window.  Such as Open (Open with...), copy, paste. 
> Not just the "show hidden files" option.

In the past when we've had this discussion, most of those functions were
deemed irrelevant to the task at hand when you're opening or saving a

> Third Problem: Yet Other from Open/Save Dialogs
> Okay I thing this is a bug. 
> When i try to open a file with the open dialog and I have the complete
> path of the file copied to the transfer area. I paste the  path at the
> open dialog and, when i press enter (of course, to open the file) it
> does nothing. I have to use the mouse to click the Ok button... 

This just sounds like a plain old bug-- please file it if nobody else

> Fourth Problem: Shortcut keys.
> Ok the shortcut keys in linux is very cool. In nautilus it works well.
> But.. When i click to drag a file... Why the shortcuts doesn't work
> anymore???? If I want to drag a file to a parent folder... i have to
> cut and paste it?? Why not drag and drop it.??? 

I'm no X expert, but this is possibly


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson sun com            GNOME Desktop Group                      +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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