[Usability] Yelp Bookmarks Dialog

Hi folks,

I'm working on Yelp's bookmarks dialog, and I'd like some
input. There's a screenshot attached. I'm looking at the
Editable Lists pattern here:


Of the actions listed for that pattern, only Remove is used
in Yelp. You can't add a bookmark, short of going to a page
and bookmarking it. You can't edit or duplicate a bookmark.
And you can't reorder bookmarks.

Having the toolbar with only Remove seems odd. You can open
a bookmark (double-click or press Enter), but I don't know
if that should be in the toolbar.

Should there be a Close button? The grippy that GTK+ adds
automatically overlaps the toolbar in a not very pleasant
way right now.

And thinking outside the pattern, should there even be a
bookmarks editor dialog at all? Or should Yelp just allow
you to remove a bookmark to the page you're looking at?


Attachment: yelp-bookmarks.png
Description: PNG image

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