Re: [anjuta-devel] glib 2.25.15

Hi Johannes,

Le 23/08/2010 15:10, Johannes Schmid a écrit :
Normally I try to keep everything working on the last stable version of
the distribution. Usually the only thing I compile from source if gdl,
libgda and glade3.
Well, I have kept the same system for more than one year, so I have to 
compile gtk, glib, gdk, pango and a few others. It's an additional step 
but not so difficult and when it's done you can use whatever version.

I remember that you said that updating glib wasn't a big deal in the
past so I tried it here and after adjusting the libdir (/usr/lib64)
everything worked fine. So, now I am using a new unstable glib, too.
Ok, I have done it here too. I just wondering if there isn't a better 
way to do it. I would prefer to use the new version of glib only for 
Anjuta without changing a system library but then I need to take care 
that Anjuta and all its dependencies use the new library.

But you are right that we should have much better information on how to
build anjuta. I will try to update the development site on the webpage
before the release but I cannot promise it.
Yes, it would be nice. I think someone just wanting to try to latest 
version of Anjuta will not recompile glib and just give up.

Hmm, maybe we should do that too and only check for changes one the
current document changes. Can you file a bug about it?
Well, the current behavior is better when it's working. You can easily 
see all files those have changed after an update. I don't know if it's 
useful to check how Anjuta is working on such old system but it exists 
especially at work where the stability is the most important point at 
least for the base system.

As I said
above I usually don't use jhbuild because even on a quad-core it just
takes hours and often fails in strange places. That is one of the
reasons that we try to never depend on an unstable gtk+ version.
I have used jhbuild it was working fine. I get some errors but they were 
not so difficult to fix if you dig a bit in the sources.

If you are all unkomfortable with building the new glib version than
please revert that patch.
No, for me, that's fine.



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