Re: [anjuta-devel] Git shell merged to master

Hi James,

Le 28/11/2010 02:18, James Liggett a écrit :
Having both a menu and the shell would not require us to duplicate a lot
of things, but it probably would confuse the users because there would
be more than one place they'd have to look in to find the command they
need. I'd rather we had just one interface.
I think it can be an option, so you can have the "shell interface" or 
the "menu interface". But, I remember that we have already discussed 
about this. I don't think it's really difficult to do, so it could be 
nice to have it but the shell interface is enough for me.

I don't see that here, but you're not the first to say something like
this. I suspect it could be the log viewer slowing you down. (It
refreshes itself now.)
I think an automatic refresh of the log viewer is useful, I have perhaps 
even request it. But in this case, you need to display the dialog 
without waiting the end of the refresh.

As for having the "dialogs" in the Git window. I did this so that each
of the panes could use one another as a means of browsing the repository
and data entry.
Yes I have seen it. Perhaps adding the dialog at the top of the git 
window will be better, I have miss the commit dialog at the beginning. 
Then, I think DnD is a quite natural to do things, I plan to use it more 
in the project manager, but it's a bit slow.

Please do keep in mind that Git Shell is very far from finished. There's
still a lot of finishing things and refinement to do.
Sure, these are some personal comments and I have just started to use 
the new interface.

I was hoping to do a lot of work over the long Thanksgiving holiday we
have here in the U.S., but I'm hampered by a bug that's preventing
Anjuta from even starting here. See So that has pretty
much stopped me in my tracks for now. :(
I'm really sorry for this issue. I'm a bit annoyed that we don't know 
exactly the root cause on the other hand I'm not sure it's useful that 
you spend a few additional days on it.


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