Re: [anjuta-devel] New project interface and introspection

              في س، 16-10-2010 عند 22:17 +0200 ، كتب Sébastien Granjoux:
Then, which order do you think is better and why ?
I'm too tired now, I'll think about it later.

I have modified the makefile backend to use the flex/bison parser but I 
haven't change it to implement the IAnjutaProjectBackend interface, so 
it doesn't compile at the moment.
Ok, so it just needs porting to the new API, no real problem.

- Asynchronous load and save function with a callback. The load callback
can be called several time, could you confirm that it's not an issue for
python bindings ?
It is a problem, but there is an easy workaround (see my other mail).
Ok, I need to think a bit about this. You think that adding a 
destroynotify function will be the best solution ? or do you think it 
can be done even better ?
I don't see any other solution that would keep 

- One GObject project implementing the IAnjutaProject interface.
(it could even be the root node ;-))
Sure, but I think it's better to keep it separate in the interface.
I'm not advocating otherwise. This is to be done in the project backend
plugin, not in libanjuta.
I've tried it (inheriting from AnjutaProjectNode and implementing
IAnjutaProject) and it's working fine :-)

Do you have other points that you think could be done better ?
I think the current interface is good enough. The best thing we can do
is to prepare it for merging and trying to implement some plugins for
other project formats. What do you think is best for a start?


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