Re: [anjuta-devel] release of gtkpod 2.0


              في ح، 10-04-2011 عند 18:42 +0200 ، كتب Sébastien Granjoux:

Le 10/04/2011 18:16, phantomjinx a écrit :
On a general note, how did you manage to build anjuta against
gtk+-3.0.0? I have spent the day trying to install and compile the
source on Mandriva 2010.2 and have eventually given up due to my life
being too short... I presume you must be using a dev / cooker / rawhide

The easiest way is to use jhbuild.

But, I'm compiling it on Mandriva 2010.2. I have get all dependencies 
from tarball (atk, cairo, pango, pixman) or git (glib, gtk+3, 
gobject-introspection, libsoup, gtksourceview, gdl, libgda, anjuta) and 
recompile all this from sources.

FWIW, I also do compile manually from sources. I'm using Debian, and try
to get recent libraries from unstable/experimental, I generally only use
gobject-introspection/gtksourceview/gdl from git and libgda from a
tarball. (In this last cycle, anjuta started to depend on "unreleased"
software, so I ended up building many things from source).

It takes quite some time, and there is one difficulties with .la file. 
You don't need to recompile some libraries like libOrbit because GLib 
has kept some backward compatibility. The issue is that in the .la file 
in /usr/lib, libOrbit will require the old version of GLib (the one in 
/usr/lib), this old library is linked to your target and conflict with 
the new one.

I have solved this by copying .la file of such libraries from /usr/lib 
to /usr/local/lib and edit them to force using /usr/local/lib when there 
are available (mainly for GLib). It's quite annoying to find every 
dependent library, so I have written a small script to do it that you 
can find here:

FYI, if you are running a "modern system" (e.g. GNU/Linux), you can even
remove them completely, that's what the GNOME-Shell developers advise


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