Re: [anjuta-devel] Depending on vala master?


                 في س، 20-08-2011 عند 12:01 +1000 ، كتب Johannes Schmid:
Please always only depend on the last released version of vala. There
should be a release every 2 weeks now as vala follow the GNOME schedule.
Depending on the latest unstable version is fine though and you might
ask people for applying a patch if it is important for a bug.
Ok. So vala 0.13.3 was released, and I pushed my patch, but now I have
another problem: the build is broken with libvala-0.12 (forgot to test
it before pushing). What would be the best way to fix it?

We could just using the preprocessor, this will allow it to be compiled
with both valac-0.12 and 0.14. It will crash more often with 0.12
(though it may be better with the patch in bug 657491 [1]). I will also
need to be compiled with the same branch of valac as the the libvala it
uses (unlike the change to glib bindings which would both compile). So
we need to make valac mandatory even if building from a tarball. This
may be a good thing (as it would allow valac generated files to be
cleaned on make clean, which will catch things like bug 657023 [2]), but
I'm afraid this would need some workaround with automake.

The other solution would be to simply drop support for 0.12 altogether.




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