Re: [anjuta-devel] Change project property interface

Hello Sébastien,

              في ث، 08-11-2011 عند 21:35 +0100 ، كتب Sébastien Granjoux:
I will do the following changes:

* Change the following functions of IAnjutaProject interface (I think 
nobody use them so I think it's not an issue to break the compatibility)

AnjutaProjectProperty *ianjuta_project_set_property (AnjutaProjectNode 
*parent, const gchar *id, const gchar *value); (transfer none)
I think this is really nice, but this wouldn't allow one to set a map
property, would it? Do we need to add a set_map_property? (I also like
the symmetry with anjuta_project_node_get_property and 
anjuta_project_node_get_map_property. The same goes for
anjuta_project_property_new below.

gboolean ianjuta_project_remove_property (AnjutaProjectNode *parent, 
const gchar *id);

* Change the following types:

struct _AnjutaProjectProperty

struct _AnjutaProjectPropertyInfo

struct _AnjutaProjectNode

* Have the following function in anjuta-project.h

Is it ok to do at least all this?
Yes, this looks fine to me.

Then a few other questions and remarks.

* The anjuta_project_node_insert_property_info is perhaps not very 
useful because at least in the autotools backend. The properties infos 
list constant and shared but all node of the same type. So it will be 

void anjuta_project_node_insert_property_info (
      AnjutaProjectNode *node,
      GList *info);
* I'd prefer to have the list owned by the node, so I don't really like
* Regarding having something shared between all the objects of the same
type, they could be put in the AnjutaProjectNodeClass struct. This is
used in gtk, so I think it should work well with introspection. We
should probably test it first. The method would then be
void anjuta_project_node_class_insert_property_info (
        AnjutaProjectNodeClass *klass,
        AnjutaProjectPropertyInfo *info);

Anyway, one backend could use a custom list for each node.
I don't know, maybe we should allow this.

* Do I need to add set and get function for all attributes of property 
and property info object?
I think a property info could be considered constant and thus doesn't
need setters. Property could use setters. Getters are not strictly
necessary but may be a good idea for symmetry.

* Some function of the anjuta-project.h are "public" and can be used by 
any plugin by example anjuta_project_node_get_property. While other are 
"private" and are usable by a backend plugin only by example 
anjuta_project_node_insert_property (other plugins have to use 
ianjuta_project_set_property instead).

I think I need at least to separate them in the header file. But do you 
think we need to move them to a separate header or do you have a better 
idea to make this different more clear? By the way, I don't know if it's 
clear for you.
I think it is enough to add a note in the documentation comments stating
that this function should only be used by backend implementation.


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