Re: [anjuta-devel] Dconf and GSettings

Hi Johannes,

Le 02/10/2011 21:14, Johannes Schmid a écrit :
OK, the 32 character limitation might be something that we should
consider. I am not sure so if it is easy to change in the ui files because
of the / character but you might give it a try. It is definitly cleaner
but I fear that there was some reason I didn't do it in the first place
but I don't remeber.
I haven't checked how to do it yet. I have thought rather to add some 
additional arguments to script sending it a plugin 
name or using the last word of the preference name.
Then, what do you prefer?
org.gnome.anjuta.document-manager and org/gnome/anjuta/document-manager
org.gnome.anjuta.plugins.document-manager and org/gnome/anjuta/plugins/document-manager

OK, yes, it might make sense to add additional metadata to the schema file
and still try to generate as much as possible. For example, we could stop
generated the schema files automatically but keep the script and you run
it manually when you change an ui file. The script should be updated to
keep descriptions from an existing schema file.
I prefer to keep the schema files regenerated automatically, from the 
.ui file and from .schema part. The .ui file keeps the same information 
that what we have now, an the .schema part allow to add a description 
for the keys.
When we are here, perhaps we could remove some information from the .ui 
file, like the allowed choices for combo box as it's a bit cumbersome to 
include in the name. It could be useful for translating them too.
We could define completely a key in the schema part or have an empty 
description if the key is defined only in the .ui file as we have now.
Eventually we could implement some check to verify that a key 
incompletely defined in the .schema part exist in the .ui file and on 
the opposite require that all keys defined in the .ui file have a 
description in the .schema part.



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