Re: [anjuta-devel] Another strange problem: No executable generated

On Fri, 20 Jan 2012 09:05:49 +0100 (CET)
"Johannes Schmid" <jhs jsschmid de> wrote:


Are you sure that you look for the executable in the correct directory?
For the "Debug"-configuration for example, the executable will end up in


Hi Johannes,

No subdirectories - the entire project is in a single directory - the
same one where the Makefile, etc is located. Maybe that's
too simple ;) I do have another, similar project which generates a
library, and which works correctly.

In fact, from the command you can see that the -o flag indicates
generating the executable in the same directory. I suspect the problem
lies in the libtool script. I'll check if I can file anything wrong


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