Re: [anjuta-devel] The new parser-engine Plugin


I am not entirely sure, check the vapigen documentation and/or ask on
#vala. And if you found out - document it somewhere ;)
You have to execute this in the Anjuta root folder:
vapigen --pkg gtk+-3.0 --library libanjuta-3.0 --vapidir . --metadatadir libanjuta/ libanjuta/Anjuta-3.0.gir vapigen --pkg gtk+-3.0 --library libanjuta-interfaces --vapidir . --metadatadir libanjuta/ libanjuta/IAnjuta-3.0.gir
I could not figure out, how you can only one file, but fortunately we 
all know terminal commands. ;-)
Maybe we can include this in the
vapigen --pkg gtk+-3.0 --library libanjuta-3.0 --vapidir . --metadatadir libanjuta/ libanjuta/Anjuta-3.0.gir vapigen --pkg gtk+-3.0 --library libanjuta-interfaces --vapidir . --metadatadir libanjuta/ libanjuta/IAnjuta-3.0.gir
cat libanjuta-interfaces.vapi >> libanjuta-3.0.vapi
rm -I libanjuta-interfaces.vapi
mv libanjuta-3.0.vapi plugins/language-support-vala/

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