Re: [anjuta-devel] Code assistance plugin


On 05/26/2012 09:40 AM, Sébastien Granjoux wrote:

Le 26/05/2012 01:37, Massimo Cora' a écrit :
I would like by example to display a function call graph. Is it possible
to get all necessary informations (which functions are called in each
function) from the symbol-db plugin. If yes could I do it outside or
should it be done inside the symbol-db plugin?
well, no. I think what you're looking for is
I don't care of a real implementation yet. I would rather define a
common interface for to get all these informations.

Currently it looks like we will have several interfaces, something like

* For getting all functions of the project for completion we will use
clang plugin.

* For listing all functions of the project we will use the symbol-db

* For getting the start and the end of a function we need something else.

well maybe with a facade we can define a common interface from the three 
modules, and make them available for the other plugins - a public 
interface. The three internal modules could instead collaborate and 
retrieve more infos on a symbol for instance.

I would like to have one interface that could report all these
information without having to know if it's done with clang, ctags or
whatever. So by example, we could have the search plugin asking for all
occurrences of a variable name within one function to replace it with
another name.

ok it makes sense.

I would use clang for the completion and symbol-db for static file
Ok, but I think the important point is the user point of view. As user,
I mean not necessarily a real user, it can be a search plugin. So what
are the difference between clang and symbol-db result, isn't it possible
to merge both result?
well, you should wrap for example what a symbol is, adding an adapter 
that let symbol db understanding a clang one is, or viceversa.
I think it's the only way to let the two communicate between each other.
When you have defined this, say AnjutaGeneralSymbol, you can switch the implementation details.

By example if clang result are valid from C point of view but cannot
includes accurate file line numbers due to expanded macros or whatever.
When asking for a function information, I would like to get a file
number field with some invalid value.

So by example the search plugin knows that it cannot use this information.
we can fill the line results using ctags/symbol-db, providing the search 
plugin with a complete info.
Then later if there are some improvements in clang or if we can use
ctags in parallel this field could be filled and the search plugin will
benefit immediately from it.
clang 3.1 has just been released. Did you have some experiments with 
clang? Has it the macro/line problems?

yes but we would have a really bad performance. That's because with
ctags you have to use a top-down approach instead of a bottom-up with
We currently have code completion using ctags and it's quite useable.

for C maybe, but I wouldn't say the same for C++. Things get very 
complex there.
Yes, I know. The gnome build autotools project parser was using a top
down approach while the new one is using a bottom up but the interface
is still the same.

the interface is the same, ok, but the results are maybe more precise.


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