Re: [anjuta-devel] Women outreach programme

Hi Jessie,

Le 20/11/2012 02:41, Jessie Singh a écrit :
I was reading about this internship for woman and i came across anjuta
and would love to find out more about this. I'm not sure in how to go
about in applying for this internship, like how to contribute.
Thank for your interest, the first step it just what you do now, asking 
more information about a project allowing you to select one and a task 
within. It is not only code, you can choose to improve the documentation 
by example. There is lots of room for improvements in Anjuta.
You could probably start by getting the project from git here:
and compile it. Then you can look at bugs reported here
and try to fix one of them. We expect that you ask questions if something is not clear or you don't know how to go on. You have to make a small contribution to be accepted.

It is useful to subscribe to the development mailing list here:
and probably the user mailing list here
In addition, you can find most of us on IRC too here:
The anjuta web site should contain all this
Concerning Outreach Program for Women, you can find all details here:



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