Re: [Anjuta-list] changing /usr/bin to /lib/

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 18:25, Cruz, John J wrote:
> Folks,
> In my quest to use Anjuta as my IDE, I've discovered how little I know about
> an integrated environment.  I have not yet resolve the library problem but
> finally determined what libraries I require.  The libraries required are in
> /lib/ and /usr/X11R6/lib/.  Anjuta however, insist on loading these files
> from /usr/bin even though I've entered the appropriate path in the compiler
> menu.
> Can someone please tell me how and where to change the path /usr/bin to
> /lib/?

Although, you should not be needing it for system libraries, you can set
the library paths in Settings->compiler_options->library_paths.


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