Re: [Anjuta-list] Nedd help Linking SDL and SDL_rotozoom ...

On Sun, 2004-08-08 at 18:39 -0300, Daniel Clemes Külkamp wrote:
> I am a beginner and don't undestand about makefiles...
> I am trying to use SDL in anjuta
> I've had to do many things to link SDL with anjuta:
> i've added these lines to project->configuration->libraries:


I'd recommend you stay away from letting Anjuta manage your makefiles.
You're much better off disabling that, and create with the
aid of autoscan.

Its not very difficult, and it will save you a lot of frustration.

You probably will also want to take advantage of the 'sdl-config' script
as well, which will make life much easier for anyone wishing to compile
your code with SDL in a non-standard location.
 'sdl-config --cflags' to set $CFLAGS, and 
 'sdl-config --libs' to set $LDFLAGS

There's an Automake macro to make this easier for you:

AM_PATH_SDL(, [have_sdl=yes], [have_sdl=no])

That will set $SDL_CFLAGS and $SDL_LIBS and AC_SUBST() them, so you can
use them in your

Hope you find this helpful.

Curtis Magyar

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