[Anjuta-list] safe statically linked Anjuta 2.0.2 build?

is there any somewhere?

for some reason I can never get Anjuta to fully work properly...

I must be doing something wrong :(, but I believe,
if there was a statically linked Anjuta binaries,
or if I could build it someway (n tips here?),
I would be able to avoid the problems :(

I am sure the problems I am having are already solved (like when u select some text then press del, the beggining character of the file is also deleted). The problem is that I always loose a lot of time trying to figure out what packages must be running at same time (what libraries versions) to not have all these trouble... The bigger problem is I got other programs that require different/newer versions of these packages, and some of these newer versions cause trouble with anjuta like (GLib 2.10.3 + GTK+ 2.8.19 that I had to downgrade :/) I mean I dont want to try to fix each problem step by step, I want to go promptly to production, to coding :)
I really want to depend on Anjuta to my projects! XD

I got plenty of free disk space, 160GB hard drive, and I am sure many ppl also do, so I dont care if my 5MB Anjuta grow up to 100MB, as this is the best IDE out there XD,
I wont really care about it!! XD
I will be very happy when I dont need to get appreensive about being able to make the best IDE out there that I always use (or try to fully use) work.
Well I am still on it, now playing with "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... anjuta", 
and the versions I gathered from configure script from source package. I 
guess it would be the same of a statically linked package.
From a desperate user that love Anjuta, HELP ME! XD
antecipated thxyo :)

PS.: the troublest thing is getting DevHelp + Mozilla-Devel (I cant even find where to download the mozilla-devel.src.bz2 something file... where is it?) to compile/work, I cant even find the gecko thing, I mean when I find some gecko stuff it is said some stuff wont work/compile and blabla.., and google isnt helping much :(((
PS.: I am feelling like a linux nOoB again XD, oh well.., sorry if I 
spoke too much, I truly expect only I am having all those problems :)

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