Re: [Anjuta-list] How do I create this simple program in ajunta?

Hi Brian,

Brian Lavender a écrit :
I created a new project, but I am having a hard time getting a simple
gtk application working. How do I create the following in ajunta?
Which version of anjuta are you using ?
Could you give more details about what's happen ?
Are you able to compile your program without Anjuta ?

I have tried with anjuta 2.3.2 but it's probably working the same with anjuta 2.2.X, and I don't get any trouble.
I have done the following:

- Run anjuta
- Click File->New->Project
==> This open the project wizard
- Select C->GTK+ project, Click Next
- Keep default setting, Click Next
- Keep default setting, just check that the destination directory is new, Click Next
- Click Apply
==> The new project is generated, it takes some times (1 minute) and then is opened in Anjuta
- In the file manager pane on the left, Double click on project->src->main.c
==> Open it the document manager
- Remove everything and paste your code
- Click on Build->Build Project
==> The project is compiled, it takes again some times (1 minute)
- Click on Build->Execute Program
==> Get execute dialog
- Click on Ok
==> Your program runs

So, nothing really special except perhaps using the project wizard to create all project files.


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