Re: [anjuta-list] Problems with Anjuta


Tabs and indentation is difficult to setup especially with Scintilla because these settings can comes from editor preferences (using scintilla properties and gsettings), language support preferences (gsettings) and modeline in each file.

Le 12/12/2012 12:49, Lanoxx a écrit :
I have configured tabs=8 spaces, and after restarting anjuta, it came up
with tabs 4 characters long. Now that dconf is installed, anjuta really
remembered the tabs=8, just doesn't apply it.
Yes, I have added this to the bug report:

I will try to fix it this week end.

It seems as if the settings are not really consistently applied
or maybe they even conflict with each other. The fact that switching a
tab and then back changes the indentation settings is at least quite
I think you are right. I will try to fix this.



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