Re: [anjuta-list] Define new installation directory in folder properties


On 23/06/13 14:15, Arnel A. Borja wrote:

On Sunday, 23 June, 2013 03:44 PM, Tony Arnold wrote:
To include the target when generating a tarball, I had to add it to
the EXTRA_DIST variable in the file.
You could prefix it with dist_ so that it will be distributed with your
That way, you only have to update one area of code when adding files.

foodir = $(pkgdatadir)/foo
dist_foo_DATA = bar.baz
Thanks, that's a really good tip.

Is this stuff documented anywhere? I've not seen it in any Anjuta docs
that I've seen. Or is it part of what automake does?

Tony Arnold,                        Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6093
Head of IT Security,                Fax: +44 (0) 705 344 3082
University of Manchester,           Mob: +44 (0) 773 330 0039
Manchester M13 9PL.                 Email: tony arnold manchester ac uk

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