Re: [anjuta-list] Anjuta Crashes when opening project

On 25 June 2014 22:53, Sébastien Granjoux <seb sfo free fr> wrote:
I don't know this bug. Which kind of project (make, directory or autotools)
have you tried to import?
No, I have not imported any project yet.
Ajunta crashes whenever I try to select any option from the drop down
menu in Import Options, in Projects from Existing Sources.

Anyway could you create a bug report here:
Adding all this information, including the terminal output.

It would be useful to add a gdb trace too as explained here
I'll add this as a bug but I thought I should make a query before
labeling it as a bug. I don't want to raise any false alarm. :D

Here is the backtrace output:

Gurjot Singh

"You gotta get hurt 'cause that's how you'll learn, You gotta try your
hardest no matter how much you'll burn." ~ Scott Singh

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