Re: [anjuta-list] Using statvfs_exec with vala in anjuta

Hi Sébastien,

Sorry for being so annoying but I've tried to add '--pkg posix' (and also '--pkg "posix"') in 
Project->Properties->Vala Compiler Options but still the same error. Can I see anywhere the command used to 
compile the project? Maybe it isn't taking the vala compiler options due to any reason or maybe a bug.
I've also tried to manually add the posix.vapi file to the project via Project->Add source file... but Anjuta 
doesn't allow me to add the file 'posix.vapi'.

Best regards.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Sébastien Granjoux [mailto:seb sfo free fr] 
Enviado el: jueves, 16 de julio de 2015 22:12
Para: Jose Antonio Velasco Prieto; 'yannick inizan'
CC: anjuta-list gnome org
Asunto: Re: [anjuta-list] Using statvfs_exec with vala in anjuta


Le 16/07/2015 21:26, Jose Antonio Velasco Prieto a écrit :
if I compile directly
from the command line using valac and the option “--pkg posix” it 
compile with no errors.
If you select your program in the project pane an click on 
Project->Property, you get a dialog where you should be able to add
various options, including options to the Vala compilateur. You can try to add -pkg posix here.

if I manually add the file
‘posix.vapi’ to the libraries used by the project (via Project Options,
Code Generation, Libraries) then it also compile properly. Is it
possible to add that file to the project in Anjuta? Would it be possible
to select in any way .vapi files to add to the project in Anjuta?
You can perhaps add such file as a source file in Anjuta but I'm really 
not sure because it doesn't fit with the way it should be done in an 
autotools project.

It looks like something special has to be done for Vala.

For the moment, I think the best option is to add --pkg posix as Vala 
compiler option.



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