Re: Survey v6


I made some changed based on the version5.

Brian will help on the English of the survey.

Let's review it and we will print it out this afternoon, before 6pm.
Ooops, in my previous email I only provided comments on the "Day1"
survey.  Here are my comments for "Day2".

Question #1:

You say:
  Generally, how have you enjoyed the GNOME.Asia Summit?

I'd say:

  Overall, what is your opinion of the GNOME.Asia Summit?

This makes the question better fit with the answer choices of Poor/Fair/Good/... If you want to ask "How have you enjoyed"
then the answers should be something like "Very little", "A lot",

Question #2:

  What should be improved for this event?

I'd say:

  Which of the following could have been better?

For the answers I'd say "Technical Information" instead of just
"Technical".  I'd say "Food" instead of "Foods".

Question #3:

   It's prepared to have GNOME User Group after the summit to have
   further communication, are you interested in joining this? How do you
   like the frequency for the GNOME User Group?

I would say:

   If a GNOME Users group were to meet regularly after the summit,
   would you be interested in attending?  How frequently would you be
   willing to attend?

Instead of "No" as an answer I would say "No, I would not attend"

Question #4:

   What is the additional topic(s) that is interesting for you but have
   not been covered in this summit?

I'd say:

   What are the additional topic(s) that would be interesting for you
   but were not covered in this summit.

Same comments for questions #7 to the end of the form as I made for
the day1 survey.

However, in this version of the form the table column headers are
translated into English.  The word "Condition" isn't right.  I'd say
"Person Who Fits This Description" to be more clear.  I'd also say "QA
Engineer" instead of just "QA".  I'd also say "GNOME Volunteer" instead
of just "Volunteer".


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