Re: first press release for GNOME.Asia 2009

You can use the photos you include in the proposal doc.

2009/10/10 Mario Behling <mb mariobehling de>

yes, I agree, we can put it up on all those websites and through the mailing lists. We still need a mother tongue English speaker to look over it and Stormy to change the proposed quote to suit herself or put up another one, if possible.

I am going through my pics, so we can also add some pictures into a press package. Do you have some good ones from last year?



On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com> wrote:
This looks great. Mario, where are you planning to publish this press release ?

BTW, about the annoucement of GNOME.Asia Summit 2009, I think we should annouce it below:
1. Main page of 
    Contact Vincent Untz: vuntz gnome org to annouce it on main page
2. Below mail lists:




I just list three mail lists here, may be Brian will have more suggestions.

Also, I can help to annouce it on gnome-cn list and . Pockey and Fred can help to spread it around many lugs in Asia. Other members can help to annouce it in your country.


2009/10/10 Mario Behling <mb mariobehling de>
Dear all,

I have started to write a press release for the GNOME.Asia Summit. It
is an initial idea and I guess some work had to be done on it. Please
feel free to edit it:

I also formulated a few quotes.

@Stormy: What do you think? Is it a good idea to talk about business
opportunities with free and open source? Would you like to say
something like, what I wrote down there?

I am looking forward to everyones input.



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