Re: Acceptance of speakers

Hi all,

I have send out the confirmation emails to our 19 potential speakers to say that we have reserved time slot for their talks and the the final time and date will be notified by November 9, 2009.

Totally, there are 21 talks so far. 8 foreign speakers and 11 Vietnamese speakers (Fred submit three talks, Cool! ). Good job Hong,  on calling the local speakers.

I am sure there will be more talks in the next week.


2009/10/29 Mario Behling <mb mariobehling de>
Dear all,

we had a request asking about accepted talks. I think we can already
proceed and accept proposals that we obviously want to have at the
submit. Especially local speakers can be accepted already I think.

Is there any reason, that would not be good?

I think we can have Hong Phuc taking the lead for the local speakers
(especially Vietnamese) and get back to everyone in case there is an
uncertainty. Speakers are anyways discussed most of the time at the
local meet ups.

Do we want to proceed the same way with international speakers? I
think for example Alfred Peng - we can all agree on him. I suggest
Emily takes the lead here.


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