COSCUP / GNOME.Asia Needing Funding

Unfortunately I do not think that we were able to come to a good
consensus about what to do about the fact that the event is needing
funding at the IRC meeting today.  I think that in order to best move
forward, we need to work together to create a good plan.  I feel that
the confrontational tone we have been having is not productive towards
our working together or towards seeking additional funding from The
GNOME Foundation.  If we can more clearly make decisions together and
work together, then I think we are far more likely to find a solution
to our problems.

Due to last-minute overbooking, the event needs as much as $10,000
(USD).  Also, it seems there is some concern that because GNOME has
not raised as much funding as COSCUP that GNOME should consider
providing more money.

However, please keep in mind that The GNOME Foundation is already
providing over $5,000 (USD) to cover travel expenses to ensure quality
speakers at the event.  The GNOME Foundation is also providing its
brand to the event.  It is hard to calculate the value of the brand,
but it surely improves the visibility and the relevance of the event.

While it is true that the funding is not as balanced as we would like,
it is also not realistic to expect that The GNOME Foundation is in a
position to solve this problem as much as we might hope.  Asking The
GNOME Foundation for an additional $10,000 is a lot of money and I
think that The GNOME Foundation would have a hard time budgeting
for this, especially at the last minute.

The GNOME Foundation does want the event to be successful, and will
seriously consider any proposed request for money.  However, we do not
have much time, and I would like to help suggest ways to put together a
proposal that is most likely to be approved.  As I say above, I do not
think $10,000 is realistic.

Therefore, I think if we could come up with a plan to share the burden
of these unexpected last minute costs, then it would be  much more
likely and possible for The GNOME Foundation to contribute and help
with the situation.

Here is a suggestion.

1) We find a way to trim the budget by $2,000.

2) If possible, we make an effort to get additional funds.  This
   could involve seeking additional sponsorship money or by getting
   money at the door.

   Perhaps we could print out a brochure explaining that the event
   relies on donations and ask each person as they enter to make a small
   donation to help cover costs.  Perhaps we could plan to sell
   more merchandise, drinks or snacks for a small profit.

3) We agree to provide matching funds.  We split the remaining $8,000
   so that The GNOME Foundation pays half and the other half comes from
   COSCUP savings, and we each contribute $4,000.  If my math is right,
   this would mean that COSCUP raised $44,000 and GAS $9,000, so COSCUP
   could plan to keep a large percentage (83%) of the profits.

   Since the planned revenue from the event is $5,000, this means
   COSCUP should get $4,150 to cover the $4,000 expense.  Plus if we do
   #2 above and make an effort to increase revenue, the event could
   easily be more profitable and provide more savings.

With this sort of plan, we share the burden and it is clear that we are
working together to solve the problem in a fiscally responsible manner.
I think this sort of arrangement would be far more likely to be approved
by The GNOME Foundation than just asking for $10,000.

But this is a suggestion.  I am sure that there are other ways we could
plan to deal with these costs that would also be reasonable.


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