Re: potential speakers list


I think we can put some of them as potential speaker in our proposal
first.  Brian, are you OK to put your name on the proposal as potential
speaker ?
Sure, that is fine.  I think it makes sense for someone from the
GNOME Foundation board to attend and represent the Foundation if
possible.  Perhaps it might make sense to just list "Foundation
Representative" and figure out which person it should be later?


2010/5/5 Brian Cameron <brian cameron oracle com
<mailto:brian cameron oracle com>>


    Did you consider inviting Takao Fujiwara (tfujiwar redhat com
    <mailto:tfujiwar redhat com>)?  I
    believe he lives in Japan and has been very active in GNOME l10n work
    over the past many years.


    On 05/ 4/10 04:03 AM, Emily Chen wrote:

        Hi all,

        Below is the potential speaker list from my point of view.

        I tend to choose the people who are located in Asia, or familiar

        *The best way to call for speakers is ask in the mail list and
        also need
        the local Taiwan community's help. *

        *-Emily *

        **Google summer of code Students of GNOME project*
        Zhang Sen : zh jesse gmail com <mailto:zh jesse gmail com>
        <mailto:zh jesse gmail com <mailto:zh jesse gmail com>>
        *Richard Sun from Nokia: x2rich gmail com
        <mailto:x2rich gmail com> <mailto:x2rich gmail com
        <mailto:x2rich gmail com>>
        Xu Chen: xu chen intel com <mailto:xu chen intel com>
        <mailto:xu chen intel com <mailto:xu chen intel com>>
        Kapoor Bharat : Kapoor motorola com <mailto:Kapoor motorola com>
        <mailto:Kapoor motorola com <mailto:Kapoor motorola com>>

        (Director of Motorola)

        For mobile, upper people is the contact point, we can also send
        call for
        speakers in the mail list.

        *Accessibility *
        Ray Wang : wanglei1123 gmail com <mailto:wanglei1123 gmail com>
        <mailto:wanglei1123 gmail com <mailto:wanglei1123 gmail com>>
        Li Yuan: Li yuan sun com <mailto:Li yuan sun com>
        <mailto:Li yuan sun com <mailto:Li yuan sun com>>
        Ke Wang : Ke wang sun com <mailto:Ke wang sun com>
        <mailto:Ke wang sun com <mailto:Ke wang sun com>>

        *GDM *
        Brian Camera from Sun/Oracle: Brian Cameron sun com
        <mailto:Brian Cameron sun com>
        <mailto:Brian Cameron sun com <mailto:Brian Cameron sun com>>
        Halton Huo from SUN/Oracle : Halton huo sun com
        <mailto:Halton huo sun com> <mailto:Halton huo sun com
        <mailto:Halton huo sun com>>

        *Localization & Globalization*
        Aron Xu : happyaron xu gmail com <mailto:happyaron xu gmail com>
        <mailto:happyaron xu gmail com <mailto:happyaron xu gmail com>>
        Chen Yue: chenyueg gmail com <mailto:chenyueg gmail com>
        <mailto:chenyueg gmail com <mailto:chenyueg gmail com>>

        Chinese Input Method
        *Zhe Su: <> <>
        <> <>*
        *Andrew Lee : ajqlee gmail com <mailto:ajqlee gmail com>
        <mailto:ajqlee gmail com <mailto:ajqlee gmail com>>*

        Building Open Source Community
        Mario Behling
        Will Lashell

        asia-summit-list mailing list
        asia-summit-list gnome org <mailto:asia-summit-list gnome org>

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