Global GNOME 3.0 Launch Party - marketing

Dear all,

Regarding the global GNOME 3.0 launch party, we have one more team link their event at which is

I have sent the following email to some communities in Hong Kong, Taiwan (Taipei and GaoXiong GUG), Vietnam (HoChiMihn and Hanoi LUG), Cambodia (PP LUG), China (Beijing GUG, Shantou, Qingdao and Harbin LUG), Singapore. So far most of them show interest to host a launch party.

I found if you know the members of the communities, it's a lot easier to convince them to host a party. Hence, everybody please spread the word to your region.

I am currently working on promoting GNOME 3.0 launch (most likely on 27th April 2011) all over the world. If you are interested to host a party to celebrate the GNOME 3.0 launch, please register an account on GNOME wiki - and create a new page at"your country name"/"your city name" and start to brainstorm ideas of your launch party. Don't forget to link your page back to

You may follow other country's ideas as well e.g.


PS: Feel free to modify the above email template.

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