How to make money with GNOME technologies?

Hi guys!

Part of the GNOME.Asia Summit we're planning to offer a special 'training' session for local software houses to promote GNOME technologies and encourage them to sponsor the conference (the session is $500 and gives the company a logo on the website as tech sponsor).

The session topic is "How to make money with GNOME technologies?" and will be run by someone from the GNOME foundation. We don't have any speaker yet but we need to advertise the session first.

While we have already updated the call for sponsors document we would like to make a web page to advertise it and we need some case study summaries that would make our targets very attracted.

I've thought among you guys you must have some data or could potentially indicate who we could possibly ask eventually.

I'm thinking along the lines of:

"Learn how Nokia did so much with GTK and .... "
"Discuss with Igalia and find out how doing this and that has been a great development area."
"Discover XXX inc. using GNOME this way and charging for it"

Maybe 2/3 shots of devices/people and a call for action message on the side "Sign up NOW! Limited seats."

Thanks a lot for your help in the matter.


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