Dear all, According to our discussion during the meeting yesterday, I have revised the call for paper submission deadline as below:
- Pockey On 01/18/2011 12:50 PM, Pockey Lam wrote: On 01/18/2011 12:21 PM, Akhil Laddha wrote:I proposed the date of deadline for call for papers before I received the call for sponsors draft :-)On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 10:29 +080-, Pockey Lam wrote:The Call for Participation has the following time line +ACo- February 6th 2011 : Deadline for submission of abstracts +ACo- February 13rd 2011 : Notification of speakersI have a small concern. We are thinking for keeping 'deadline for sponsorship' for companies by Feb 15, 2011. So when we notify speakers by Feb 13, 2011, we won't have much idea about total sponsorship. Later when speakers apply for travel subsidy, we may have to take decision based on the sponsorship what we would have received. I hope it will be fair to assume that we may not be able to sponsor all the notified speakers. |