Re: GNOME Asia Hackfest

Dear Akash,

The hackfest purpose is for the GNOME marketing and release team to work together towards the launch of GNOME 3.0 and on invitation only. However people from the community can put forth proposals about what they could work on or how they could contribute at the hackfest as long as it's focusing on the GNOME 3 launch.
At this stage we have too little information about the scope of your 
participation to validate your application.
In the meantime we would definitely be interested in the kind of GNOME 
training you provide. Things such as course plans and objectives would 
help us to review your application assuming you would be interested to 
train people on GNOME 3.0 and/or GTK+3 application development during 
the hackfest.
I would also like to highlight that the GNOME Foundation is supporting 
individuals and organizations planning for a GNOME launch party (that 
would be around April 6-10, any day of your choice) in their area by 
sending free goodies. You can get more information from reading the 
latest news section on
Looking forward to hearing for you soon.

Kind regards,


On 01/26/2011 07:08 PM, Akash Yadav wrote:
I want to attend the hackfest in Bangalore. I am a software developer
from Delhi, India. I currently train & help new users on Gnome & other
Linux in my college TIHE(affilated to GGSIPU) Delhi.
Thanking you
Akash Yadav

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