Fwd: Mozilla taking the silver package

Hello Gen!

You may already be aware about GNOME.Asia 2011 and that Mozilla is taking the silver sponsorship (now recognized on http://2011.gnome.asia/ !). Do you know people in India to help with the workshop and/or booth at the event? :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frederic Muller <fredm gnome org>
Date: Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 9:48 AM
Subject: Mozilla taking the silver package
To: asia-summit-list <asia-summit-list gnome org>

Dear all,

It is again with great pleasure that I inform you that we have secured another sponsor for GNOME.Asia: Mozilla. They will take the silver package and are checking who they can get to help with a workshop and/or booth. Do we know anyone locally who could help them out?

Thank you guys.

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