Re: Hackfest requirements...

Hi Brian,

On 03/11/2011 01:47 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:
Yes.  Here is my itinerary:

- To India leaving Chicago on Friday, March 17, arriving on the 18th.
- Arrive in Bangalore on the 27th.
- Attend GNOME.Asia March 28 to April 3 (all week).
- Fly to San Francisco on Monday, April 4th.
So we will book your hotel from March 27th to April 4, 8 days in total

Also, it is unclear if I need to register for the GNOME.Asia Summit.
Since I am giving the keynote and The GNOME Foundation is covering my
costs, does it make sense for me to pay to attend this event?  I am not
sure if keynote speakers are expected to pay the registration fee or
not.  If I need to pay it, I will likely need to pay it out of pocket.
All keynotes speakers, speakers, sponsors, VIPS will receive a guest invitation for registration.
I sent you a guest invitation yesterday, please let me know if you 
haven't received.
If you have received, please confirm the invitation.

Please also let us know your schedule so we can help to reserve a room
for you.
I am also coming with my wife, Janette.  Would it be possible for us to
share a room?
Your lodging will be provided by GNOME.Asia.
If you are okay to pay 24.5$ / day, you will get the whole suite for yourself

Besides, if you are joining the hackfest, please add your name in the


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