Re: Disabling all the paid registrations and creating new free registration options

Hi Bharath,

I think Emily and Allan maybe available for a second day if the second day is not on 28th (since EMily will arrive on 28 night).
But as far as I know Lakhil said he is busy and cannot host any second day.

That's the schedule of our existing trainers. How about you? Do u still think we can host a second day in this last minute? If you can find trainers locally, I think it;s great to host a second day as well :)

On 03/24/2011 05:19 PM, Bharath Acharya wrote:
Hello All,

I am sure most of you are busy with packing your bags and getting ready
for flights. The volunteer teams are on their task to fetch us more free
registrations. The first set of training tickets would be over soon. So
if we plan to open a new session, let us know.

We have consent from all trainers to be ok with the second day of
training. So if we can continue with the plan that'd be great.

Let us know if we should go ahead with the second training day, because
that seems to be the big hit :)


On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 12:30 +0530, Bharath Acharya wrote:
Hi All,

We are disabling all paid registrations and creating new free
registration options as per the suggestion by Doattend to do it

The volunteers are going to project it as a free event for students. So
we'll need the official announcement soon.

I am sure Fred would cover everything in the announcement on why it was
made free but a few good points to highlight,
* To make it free to encourage more students to attend (since some
pointed that money was an issue)
* To make it fair to delegates because we have enough sponsors who can
cover the event for us.

We will start informing everyone for faster registrations, so please get
the official announcement out soon, to be fair on all registered

Also I saw Pockey reply that we'll go with only one session of training
(100 students) If yes, then let us have it mentioned that its a first
come first serve basis for only 100 students. Problem is if we make this
option all 100 seats would be taken by Dayananda Sagar students only. I
would still like to have a second session since the trainers were ok
with having one on Mar 30 or Mar 31. The more students we get, the
better right?


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