Re: Reminder | Gather at 8:45am

Hi everybody, Lionel just arrived in the hotel, so I added him in the group list.
If any of you don't feel like going to the venue, please stay in the 
hotel :-) There are a few persons will need to go back for student 
training, that include Emily, Allan and myself.  We will leave at 
8:45am, anybody who would like to go to the venue, just gather at the 
lobby. Please don't worry about it and hack either in the venue or the 
hotel as you wish, thanks a lot for informing me in advance :)  I will 
explain to the host. (I may try to get a better venue with Bharath help 
but it seems that we don't have much choice in the college)
On 03/31/2011 03:44 AM, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Thu, 2011-03-31 at 00:24 +0530, Ryan Lortie wrote:
Many people have suggested that they prefer to stay at the hotel
tomorrow rather than go to the venue, for quite a number of reasons
(better network, better power, cleaner, nicer restaurant, better air
conditioning, etc).  Nearly everyone would prefer to stay here, I think
(at least everyone that is around this evening).

The only concern is that we may be insulting our hosts if we do not show
up tomorrow -- particularly if they have gone out of their way to make
arrangements for us.

What to do?
Maybe we could split the day - spend the morning at the hackfest venue,
and on the afternoon we could "do some tourist stuff" (or of course
continue to hack at the hotel).

(being very thankful to vuntz)

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