Meeting Minutes | IRC Meeting Feb 28, 2012

Hello All,

You can find the meeting minutes here:

See you again same time next week! 


  1. sakana (Max Huang)
  2. Haggen (Haggen So)
  3. sammyfung (Sammy Fung)
  4. wers (Allan Caeg)
  5. glassrose (Chandni Verma)
  6. yippi (Brian Cameron)
  7. karenesq (Karen Sandler)
  8. lakhil (Akhil Laddha)


  1. Call for Sponsors
  2. Call for Papers
  3. Website

Meeting notes

  1. The meeting started with group members introducing themselves to the representatives of the local team: Haggen So and Sammy Fung
  2. Topics for the conference were discussed
    1. Capitalizing on GNOME 3.4's release was discussed, though half of 3.6's development cycle would've been done by the time of the Summit
    2. Focusing on what the local community might be interested in was pointed out. Localization and translation could be good topics.
  3. Call for Sponsors was the next subject
    1. The group should add potential sponsors to [ this Google Doc]

    2. The list of potential sponsors should be divided into two: for 1) both GUADEC + GNOME.Asia or 2) for just GNOME.Asia. Sponsors for the two events should be approached once.
  4. The Call for Papers was discussed
    1. The group is looking for the previous years' Web form for reference
    2. Locking down what topics to cover was identified as a dependency for Call for Papers. The group can refer to [ last year's topic list] while still be open for other topics that will fit the local community this year.

    3. Getting the right people to review the papers received was identified as something to look at. The group should discuss this further.
  5. The website was discussed
    1. Will LaShell can help us with the website

    2. Oursky Ltd. can help with web design

Action items

  1. HK team to update GNOME.Asia2011_CallforSponsors.pdf ASAP

  2. sakana to check previous Call for Papers form
  3. HK team will contact Ben Cheng of Oursky Ltd. for web design
  4. sakana will coordinate with Will for the website. They'll update the DNS record, among other things.
  5. glassrose will modify the Terms & Conditions of Call for Sponsors to align with GUADEC

Allan Caeg
User Experience Designer and Senior Product Manager
+63 918 948 2520

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