- sakana (Max Huang)
- Haggen (Haggen So)
- sammyfung (Sammy Fung)
- wers (Allan Caeg)
- glassrose (Chandni Verma)
- yippi (Brian Cameron)
- karenesq (Karen Sandler)
- lakhil (Akhil Laddha)
- Call for Sponsors
- Call for Papers
- Website
Meeting notes
- The meeting started with group members introducing themselves to the representatives of the local team: Haggen So and Sammy Fung
- Topics for the conference were discussed
- Capitalizing on GNOME 3.4's release was discussed, though half of 3.6's development cycle would've been done by the time of the Summit
- Focusing on what the local community might be interested in was pointed out. Localization and translation could be good topics.
- Call for Sponsors was the next subject
The group should add potential sponsors to [ this Google Doc]
- The list of potential sponsors should be divided into two: for 1) both GUADEC + GNOME.Asia or 2) for just GNOME.Asia. Sponsors for the two events should be approached once.
- The Call for Papers was discussed
- The group is looking for the previous years' Web form for reference
Locking down what topics to cover was identified as a dependency for Call for Papers. The group can refer to [ last year's topic list] while still be open for other topics that will fit the local community this year.
- Getting the right people to review the papers received was identified as something to look at. The group should discuss this further.
- The website was discussed
Will LaShell can help us with the website
- Oursky Ltd. can help with web design
Action items
HK team to update GNOME.Asia2011_CallforSponsors.pdf ASAP
- sakana to check previous Call for Papers form
- HK team will contact Ben Cheng of Oursky Ltd. for web design
- sakana will coordinate with Will for the website. They'll update the DNS record, among other things.
glassrose will modify the Terms & Conditions of Call for Sponsors to align with GUADEC