Re: Scope of Conference

2012/3/19 Haggen So <haggenso gmail com>

So from everyone's experiences, which factors come first and what is
the sequence in making these decisions?

Schedule of the summit can be flexible.  If we have enough speakers, then we can make it 30 mins (25 min + 5 Q& A ) for each talks, open more tracks at the same time.

Else If we do not have enough speaker than expected , we can make it 1 hour (45 talk + 15 Q&A) for each time slot, reduce tracks, add some community tracks like: local linux group meet up, XXX users group meeting up, XXX round table, XXX community party, XXX panel... 

Thus in the call for paper, we should mention that the talk time slot is flexible, might be 30 / 60 mins, this will be decided during the final schedule arrangement.

Our to do list in the phrase I:
1. Call for paper (publish it on wiki or GNOME.Asia 2012 website and mail list, all the team will help to marketing it) I personally think this action never blocked by other actions.
2. Sponsors' brochure and fund raise
3. Travel policy announcement  (Bharath Acharya will take this. Since we have no guarantee for each application, this won't be blocked by fund. )
4. Web site, registration system (always important, and it takes time to build it)

BTW, do we need to have a traditional Chinese version of the website to attract more local people in HK?


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