Re: BoF Items

According discuss in the IRC Meeting last night.

Maybe we could use the third room during the summit session


On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Simon YoungKi Hong
<simon hong81 gmail com> wrote:
I am trying to get venue support after 18:00 via other nipa team.
I will update when I get response.

2013. 4. 16. 오후 1:55에 "Simon YoungKi Hong" <simon hong81 gmail com>님이 작성:

Hi Sammy and Committee,

Unfortunately, we can't open BoF session.
I requested to extend venue rental time from 18:00 to 21:00 at first
summit day.
But, nipa said we cannot use after 18:00.
I think this is my fault. (If I request to nipa to 21:00 at first time,
maybe we can use.)

Sorry for this.


On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Sammy Fung <sammy opensource hk> wrote:
Hi all,

Hereby is draft of BoF items.

BoF is a casual activity which is aimed to gather different group of
people to meet, chitchat and social networking.

Pizzas and Snacks
Drinks and Beers
Room Arrangements
Wiki: If you would like to lead a topic of discussions, let feel freely
to write down the topic, description and your name. Eg. Input Engine and

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