Re: Keynote Speaker discuss

I agree with Emily's thoughts on seeing if Soonson Kwon's would speak in a
regular session.  I also think that the local team should invite HwanJin
Choe and Changwoo Ryu as they see fit :)


On Thu, February 28, 2013 10:22 pm, Emily Chen wrote:
Both HwanJin Choe and Changwoo Ryu sounds good keynote speaker to me.

We can have several keynote speakers for our summit.

Can local team go to invite them ?

BTW, for Soonson Kwon, even he is refused to be keynote speaker, can we
invite he to give a presentation ? Our topic is most GNOME related , but
are also open for other topics related to FOSS and linux.


2013/2/28 Namhyung Kim <namhyung kernel org>

2013-02-28 (목), 22:52 +0900, JoonCheol Park:
Sorry for typo.

s/HwanJin Choi/HwanJin Choe

I really respect him. And AFAIK most Korean F/OSS users/engineers
too. :-)
Right, me too. :)

In addition to him, I'd also like to suggest Changwoo Ryu as a keynote
speaker.  He's been a long time contributor of gnome, debian and other
open source projects and doing great jobs for solving various Korean
localization issues.  He is the Korean localization team coordinator and
original developer of Korean spell checking dictionary project.


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