Wait for the venue to confirm the new date: 12-13 October, it is expected to confirm next week.
Launch the logo design competition
openSUSE.Asia will be 5 and 6 Oct, one week before the GNOME.Asia. We hopes to attract openSUSE.Asia attendees to attend GNOME.Asia too.
Local team share their Trello board with the Committee.
When will we meet next time?
May 28 Tuesday 14:00 UTC
Action items
AI: anachmad will email GNOME Asia Committee once the venue is confirmed.
AI: kristiprogri_[m] will look for contributor to draft the official announcement of GNOME Asia Summit 2019, and announce on GNOME Foundation channels.
AI: rania will share the Call for Sponsorship document next week thru email.
Yours Sincerely, Sammy Fung President, Open Source Hong Kong. http://opensource.hk