2021-June Archive by Thread
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If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
GNOME.Asia Meeting notes 20210622,
Sammy Fung
GNOME.Asia meeting Reminder 20210622 (13:00 UTC),
Sammy Fung
GNOME.Asia Meeting notes 20210601,
Sammy Fung
GNOME.Asia Meeting notes 20210601June 01 2021 Meeting Attendees: SammyFung fenris KristiProgri Rania Molly Agenda GNOME.Asia Summit 2021 Update A.O.B. When will we meet next time? Meeting notes GNOME.Asia Summit 2021 Update Local team suggested on 6 & 7 October 2021 (Wed & Thu) or 13 & 14 October 2021 (Wed & Thu) Next plans by local team: Gnome Asia Summit 2021 Logo competition Create New / Cloning the previous page* Planned to have the same team members (will discuss further internally) Kristi gave the 2020 report. the majority of attendees were between 18-30 years old: (43.48%) Indonesia, India, China are the locations with the most attendance. It was the first GNOME ASIA for most attendees (60.87%) The feedback was very positive. Satisfied: (69.57%) Some feedback on what we could have done better: Conference on weekend for more,
Sammy Fung
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