RE: Multi-threaded sending in CVS / SMTP bug(?)

On 07-Dec-99 David Pickens wrote:
> I had to temporary disable the code in SMTP that looped through outbox to
> send messages -- hope you don't mind Hector.  I'll re-activate this later.  
> For the threads to work I have to pretty rigorously separate GTK/glib code
> from Message/Mailbox code and I/O.  Hector -- one of the SMTP functions
> w/in the threads uses GList:  is there any change that we can move this
> over to a non-glib specific linked list of some sort?  (I'm sure it won't
> cause any trouble, but glib isn't particularly thread-safe -- unless we
> want to surround every glib function call w/ locks -- which doesn't make
> sense.)

Donīt worry I donīt mind at all. About the GList issue I used because it is use
in the Message struct, if we can change the GList type to another without
having to change the Message type it wonnīt be no problem. Actually GList is
gpointer *data;
GList *next;
GList *previous;

Iīm sure it can be change to
void *data;
Whatever *next;
Whatever *previous;

The only problem may be when going through the Mailbox or Message struct.

> On to the possible bug, I found that when I tried to send messages w/ SMTP
> (both before and after my changes, and both with and without
> multi-threaded I/O) I got this error on stderr/stdout:
> 555 syntax error (#5.5.4)
> It could be something on my end, but I can send OK from windows w/ the
> same settings.

Itīs not a bug itīs a feature :-)
Well seriously, there is nothing in RFC about code 555 so it was implemented by
your server (how nice) since "syntax error" doesnīt really explain itself I
went througt the code and change some lines, but if they solve the problem is
that you have a really picky server :-)
Anyhow I added a line to send to stderr a message whenever and error comes back
to tell you what you sended. Please try it again and tell me the stderr output.
It may be also useful I you can tell me what server you are conecting to
(sendmail, qmail, ...)

Fecha: 07-Dec-99

Hector Garcia Alvarez
Secretario de Scouts-es

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