Send Mail / messaging / misc. ramblings


I've added basic messaging support for the sending thread to communicate
with the main thread.  At this point it's used mainly to tell the main
thread to update the Sentbox/Outbox after send/fail.  (Which,
incidentally, now works.)

I've defined two message 'types', but I thought I'd throw it out
for discussion:

  The message struct contains (in addition to type, and depending on
context) a 'message_string' (currently 256 max), a mutt HEADER *msg, and a
Mailbox pointer.

Is it enough for the sending thread to dump a string which a dialog
presents to the user, or do we want to refine this into separate Error
types, and present different options or dialogs depending on the specific
error?  (I had Postpone as a more specific subset of the Error message,
but then realized that this is handled transparently by send.c, so I'll
remove it.)

  Once the sending thread deals with the outgoing mail it tells the main
window to update the Sentbox / Outbox.

Do we need other types?  (It's easy to extend, but it doesn't hurt to
discuss it now.)

I tried SMTP again, and this is what I got:

part: text
part: text
555 syntax error (#5.5.4)

FINALLY, a User Interface question:

Can someone tell me what the difference is between Mailbox Close and
Mailbox Close Current, and why Mailbox Close never does what I expect it
to do?

Incidentally, Delete isn't working too well for me -- even when I close
and open mailboxes, or exit and re-run balsa I see messages I deleted.
(I've tried committing the changes explicitly, and this doesn't help.)


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