Deleting Messages/Notebook changes

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 22:09:23 David Pickens wrote:
> Ok,
> I was concerned about putting out a release with the bug in the message
> transfer / delete code, so I committed a solution which is less than
> perfect, but I'll sit down and figure out how to do it the 'right way' in
> January.
> For now (or at least until someone figures out what's going on), any
> function that moves messages from one mailbox to another should 'reset'
> the page if it's visible in the notebook.  (see below).  If it doesn't,
> the user will be able to crash balsa (or, the messages will seem to have
> disappeared, which is another, and in my option, less desirable hack).
> I added the following functions to balsa-index-page.c
> balsa_index_page_reset( BalsaIndexPage *page);
> 	will reset the contents of a page by closing the mailbox,
> 	destroying and re-creating the page.  It returns
> 	'focus' to the page that was active (not necessarily
> 	the page it received the pointer to).
> gint balsa_find_notebook_page_num(Mailbox *mailbox);
> 	convenience function to find the notebook page number
> 	of the mailbox.  returns -1 if not available. (It's
> 	therefore useful to check to see if a mailbox
> 	is visible in the notebook).
> BalsaIndexPage* balsa_find_notebook_page(Mailbox *mailbox);
> 	returns a pointer to the page the shows the index
> 	containing the mailbox, or NULL if not available.
> 	(also can be used to see if mailbox is visible.)
> I've gone through to replace some of the existing code that does this w/
> these calls.
> Delete in most folders now moves the message from the current folder to
> Trash.  If Trash is open in the notebook, it calls balsa_index_page_reset.
> In the Trash folder, it actually deletes the message.
> 'Transfer' in the context menu now also calls balsa_index_page_reset if
> the the destination folder is open.
> The Mailbox menu now contains an Empty _Trash option.
> After the release, unless there are objections, I'd like re-work the
> notebook so that the whole business of managing the mailboxes that are
> 'open' or 'closed' is transparent to the user -- eliminating the tabs.
> We've talked about this before, but it would 'look' more like Outlook or
> Outlook express -- navigation would be done with the mblist.
> Periodically, balsa would check to see which mailboxes hadn't been active
> (ie, hadn't been brought to foreground, or pushed into the background in
> the last 10 minutes), and would 'close' these automatically.
> David
> -- 
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It's nice to see deleted messages moving to my trash folder - but I think 
there is something not quite right with it.

on my current CVS version from last night - if you delete messages that are
marked as new they dissapear and appear in the trash folder (as they should).
, but if you then close and reopen the inbox they all re-appear there but are no 
longer marked as new. If you delete them a second time - they remain deleted 
properly. I notice that everytime I delete a new message, there is a definite 
pause for about a second before it disappears. when I delete a message not
marked new it disappears instantly.



Mat Withers              System Support Manager - 4th Wave Technologies
Work -              Phone - +44 (1794) 504040

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