Re: Word Wrap

On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, David Pickens wrote:

> Jules mentioned that having word/line wrapping on outgoing mail would
> be important for this release, and it occured to me that I rarely use
> Balsa to send mail for this very reason (and also because the GtkText
> widget is frustrating to me).  I sat down to write basic word wrapping
> capability, and put it in the CVS code tonight.  This is my first
> 'public' attempt to use it, so let's hope that all goes well.  
> Currently, the default is to wrap lines around 80 characters.  I
> haven't put this in the preferences dialogs yet, but it would involve
> associating balsa_app.wordwrap with a checkbox (true/false)  and
> balsa_app.wraplength with a spin button limited, probably, to 40-200.  
> (The theoretical maximum is 512 right now, but that would be absurd.
>:)  )

The defacto standard is 74, I believe.  That leaves a few characters
leeway for '> ' reply markers to be put in.  (Note that my MUA, pine, has
re-wrapped David's text since it was too wide after it added the '> ').

Anyway, it looks good.

> I think that's it for me as far as new features go (unless we do more
> with the send progress dialog).  I'm going to continue to try to
> figure out why the delete/transfer/flag code is so irregular, but I'm
> not optimistic that this will be solved by the release.

It's looking good.  Let's try to get a release of sorts out before new
year.  Then it will definitely go into debian, and if necessary we can put
out a bug fix release shortly afterwards (putting it into debian should
get us lots of testing).

What version is this going to be? 0.5?


|  Jelibean aka  |         |  6 Evelyn Rd	       |
|  Jules aka     |              |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   |        |  TW9 2TF *UK*       |
|  War doesn't demonstrate who's right... just who's left.             |
|  When privacy is outlawed... only the outlaws have privacy.          |

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