Re: Folders

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Carlos Morgado wrote:

> On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 11:05:25 Nathan Clemons wrote:
> [snip]
> > I was actually thinking about this today... it may be some time before
> > there is true PGP/GPG support. It would be nice if you could define a
> yes
> > filter for outgoing messages as well, so that you could filter outbound
> > email through a program which would do the encryption work. This is how
> no
> > PINE can support PGP, via the use of the program pgp4pine which is simply
> > a PINE filter.
> > 
> this is *very* ugly. there was something like this written by Gooch (iirc)
> called pgpsendmail which was a wrapper around /usr/sbin/sendmail and used the
> To: field rules in config files to sign/crypt messages. it came complete with a
> passworddeamon (melp).
> the mutt is much more cleaner. you muck with invoking gpg but present the user
> with a gpg menu.

pgp4pine basically does the same thing.

> > Basically, you define "outbound" filters. When you send mail you can
> > select a filter to use (including none). It also allows for a matching
> that doesn't need to be built into the mailer
> > This kind of support would be a good idea, in my opinion, even after we
> > get true integration with PGP/GPG. It could also allow for manual
> > filtering of messages (perhaps filters to semi-automatically complain
> > about spam, etc.).
> > 
> no, not automatic spam complaints please.
> cheers

No offense, but I find this... wrong. Isn't the idea to take suggestions,
decide what is best for the user base, and develop appropriately? Not
letting personal bias influence that?

Maybe you have the time to complain individually about each one, or an
email address unknown enough not to get a few hundred pieces of spam a
week. If so, more power to you! But otherwise, some of us will do what we
need to to solve the problem as we see it. Whether that be RSS, RBL, ORBS,
automated spam complaining systems tying with procmail, or whatever.

My point was more that with a filter, you could select a message,
"filter" it so it would bring up a template for a complaint. The user
could then alter it to suit their purposes before sending it. Another
filter could also be to clean up mail headers on a forwarded message,
which would cut down on the amount of "noise" in some mailing lists and
provide more "signal".

Just some thoughts. I'm not saying we should per se go out and do this. It
was more an idea that I was mentioning for comments, with some attempts at
possible scenarios.

Nathan P. Clemons                       "Peace favor your code."                 ICQ: 2810688
(v) 401.725.6061			(f) 603.372.9737

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