Re: pgp support?

I have heard rumours (on Evolution list I think) that the gnupg people are
working on making the backend of gpg into a library.

If this is true, I would think waiting untill this becomes available might be
advisable, it will certainly make life easier...

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 19:32:04 Peter A. Kimball wrote:
> Hi all:
> There does exist a version of Balsa with gpg support.  It was a project
> of mine for the summer which has not proven as easy as I had hoped.  I
> have not finished some of the GUI, but the basic encryption/signatures
> work, and it can decrypt messages, albeit through a very odd interface.
> I'll include the link to my tarfile of the working version.  I was
> unable to figure out how to get patch to work correctly, and have not
> had the time to work against the new balsa version.  (The version that
> this is based upon is 0.8.0).  I'm sorry if people were expecting more,
> and I plan to do more, but with ten weeks to work in, and only one
> semester of C/C++, this turned out to be a hard project.  I would
> suggest looking at the source before trying to patch it against any
> current Balsa. I've probably made a whole bunch of idiotic newbie
> programmer-wannabe mistakes, etc, but as far as I can tell, it does
> work.
> You must have GPG installed with your key already set up.  Then launch
> this Balsa, and in the send-message window, there's a new button, called
> security settings (or something, I'm not on my development machine at
> the moment).  Click that, select encrypt or sign, enter the information
> and click ok.  Now write yer message and hit send.  Decryption is
> tougher. Go back to the send-message window, click the security button,
> click sign, enter your password.  Now click OK, and close that window.
> Now, double click on the message you wish to decrypt, and from the
> rightmost pull-down menu, select decrypt.  Bingo.  It does not check
> signatures yet: GPG does not seem to output the signature verification
> stuff to the out or error. weird.
> Once again, this is a poor showing, and I apologize.  I do plan on fixes
> etc in the near future, though I am very busy for the next few weeks.
> here is the file, I hope it works.  It's an entire version of balsa,
> 0.8.0, with gpg support.  I don't know how else to make this available.
> sorry.
> Peter Kimball
> "m.nine.six" wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > is there any pgp (or gnupg) support? stable or unstable?
> >
> > have a nice day,
> > alias m.nine.six.
> >
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