Re: Feedback

On 31 Aug 2000 19:34 Michael Duelli wrote:
> 	1.	When I open the preferences dialog, it is not
centered on the
> screen, but a bit outside its	
> 		range. I do not know where I can change the geometry
of the
> single components.

This is not balsa problem but your window manager problem (if I
understand the gnome window manager policy well).

> 	2.	I also don't know, whether this is a problem of the
> edition, but the toolbar seems to
> 		be much too wide, if I use text and icons. (The last
thing I
> can see is the forward button )

Yes, this is an issue, I know it is so also in the case of Polish. I
wonder if using shorter translations would help.

> 	4.	Does it only seem like this, or is the file
> the same as the balsa_icon.png in
> 		the images directory ? If they are the same ( and I
think so )
> one of them could be deleted, couldn't it ?

Yes, I agree. I think /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-balsa2.png is out of
order, is that correct?

> And finally I wonder how ( or even if ) I can turn on email
notification by
> sound ?

This is not functional yet. One can try to force it but the effect is
not pleasant when there is more than one new mail, this part of code must
be changed.

Pawel Salek (
Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202

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